I have a sentence but this sentence was split for every space.
My datas output like this
const escapeRE = new RegExp(/([/\?""])/g);
const myDatas = data.map(des => des.Sentence.toLowerCase().replace(escapeRE, '').split(' '));
[ [ 'yes',
'hi.' ],
....] ]
And than i have a stop words JSON
The contents of stop words JSON
So I want to remove stop words from array sentence.
I want pure sentence, without stop words.
const stopwords = require('./stop_words.json');
So what should I do ? I don't have any idea. I was try myDatas.replace('stopwords', '' )
function but it's useless
This is ES6 solitions
myDatas.map(des => des.filter(word => stopWords.indexOf(word) < 0));