I have a simple SQL question that I couldn't solve (I'm using Amazon Redshift).
Let's say I have the following example:
id, type, channel, date, column1, column2, column3, column4
1, visit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:11:22
1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:12:34
1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:13:22
1, visit, sem, 07/08/2017: 11:15:11
1, scarf, display, 07/08/2017: 11:15:45
1, hit, display, 07/08/2017: 11:15:37
1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:18:22
1, hit, display 07/08/2017: 11:18:23
1, hit, referal 07/08/2017: 11:19:55
I'd like to select all visits (which in my logic table corresponds to the beginning of each row related to a specific ID, and also exclude 'channel' duplicates that comes ones after each other, my example should return :
1, visit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:11:22
**1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:12:34** (exclude because it follows seo and it's not a visit)
**1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:13:22** (exclude because it follows seo and it's not a visit)
1, visit, sem, 07/08/2017: 11:15:11 (include, new channel)
1, scarf, display, 07/08/2017: 11:15:45 (include, new channel)
**1, hit, display, 07/08/2017: 11:15:37** (exclude because it follows display and it's not a visit)
1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:18:22 (include because it doesn't follow seo directly, even if seo is already present)
1, hit, display 07/08/2017: 11:18:23 ((include because it doesn't follow display directly, even if display is already present)
1, hit, referal 07/08/2017: 11:19:55 (include, new channel)
I've tried using row number (as I'm working with Redshift) :
select type, date, id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id, channel ORDER BY date) as rn
and then add a filter:
Where type='visit' or rn=1
But this doesn't solve the problem as it will not return the 7th and 8th rows:
1, hit, seo, 07/08/2017: 11:18:22 (will be rn=4 for 'id=1, channel=seo' combination)
1, hit, display 07/08/2017: 11:18:23 (will be rn=3 for 'id=1, channel=display' combination)
Could anyone give me please an indication so I could solve the problem?
You can use lag
to only select rows where the previous channel is different or the type is a visit
select * from (
select * ,
lag(channel) over (partition by id, order by date) prev_channel
from mytable
) t where prev_channel <> channel or type = 'visit' or prev_channel is null