I have strings, which I read from a document looking like the following:
My goal is to create a new entity of a class that is called the same. Therefore I need this string to match the class name. However, the class name (which I cannot change) looks like the following:
Is there any way I can change that input string so it matches the class-name regarding upper and lower cases?
Unfortunately .ToTitle does not work for my purpose as there are no spaces in my input string. I do have, however, a text file that contains all the class names possible (~800). So I could probably write a method, that checks the text file for the matching name and changes my input string accordingly. I am afraid that this will take pretty long and would be very inefficient though. EDIT: The text file contains one class name per line.
Anyone has an idea that might be more elegant and faster?
Sure, you could read your file contents into a list and then check if the input string is contained in the list (using a case-insensitive comparision). If it is, you just replace the string with the one from the list:
// The input string we want to format
// Read the file containing your class names into an array
var filePath = @"f:\public\temp\classnames.txt";
var knownClassNames = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
// See if the list contains the name using a case-insensitive comarison.
// If it does, `FirstOrDefault` will return a non-null value, so we assign the result
// Otherwise, if it returns null (which is checked by `??`) we leave it as is.
input = knownClassNames
.FirstOrDefault(name => name.Equals(input, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
?? input;
This could be put into a simple function, which you could call from anywhere:
public static string CorrectClassNameCasing(string input)
var filePath = @"f:\public\temp\classnames.txt";
var knownClassNames = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
return knownClassNames
.FirstOrDefault(name => name.Equals(input, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ?? input;
For my example, I created a file that contains only the one class name that you mentioned in your example:
static void Main()
Console.Write("\nDone!\nPress any key to continue...");
And the results look like: