I know a lot of people have asked questions about this error, but based on the answers to those, I should be doing everything right.
I created a class called Variable
to store multiple pieces of information about a variable. I have another class called Equipment
which stores an array of those variables. Here is the relevant code in Equipment
Public name As String
Private variables() As Variable
Public Sub setVariables(vars() As Variable)
variables = vars
End Sub
I also have a module which creates instances of Equipment
. Here is all the code for that:
Public Sub fillEquipment()
'figure out how many units of equipment there are
numUnits = 0
atRow = 1
Do Until Range("A" & atRow).value = ""
numUnits = numUnits + 1
atRow = atRow + 1
'create array for equipment units
Dim units() As Equipment
ReDim units(0 To numUnits)
'figure out how many variables there are
numVars = 0
For Each col In Range("A1:ZZ1")
If col.value <> "" Then
numVars = numVars + 1
End If
Next col
'create an array of equipment one row at a time
atRow = 1
Do Until Range("A" & atRow).value = ""
'create and name equipment
units(atRow) = New Equipment
units(atRow).name = Range("A" & atRow).value
'create an array of vars
Dim variables() As Variable
ReDim variables(0 To numVars)
For atCol = 1 To numVars
variables(atCol) = New Variable
variables(atCol).name = Cells(1, atCol).value
variables(atCol).value = Cells(atRow, atCol).value
Next atCol
'add variables to equipment
units(atRow).setVariables (variables)
atRow = atRow + 1
'print for testing
For atRow = 1 To numUnits
Cells(atRow, 1).value = Equipment(atRow).name
For atCol = 1 To numCols
Cells(atRow, atCol + 1).value = Equipment(atRow).getVariables(atCol)
Next atCol
Next atRow
End Sub
Here's my problem: when I run the program it gives me a compiler error "Type mismatch:array or user-defined type expected" on the word variables
in units(atRow).setVariables (variables)
I don't get what i am doing wrong. variables
is defined as an array of the object type Variable
which is exactly what setVariables
is asking for.
Thank you! I really appreciate the help!!
You have extra parentheses. This compiles without the error:
Sub make(numUnits As Long, numVars As Long)
Dim units() As Equipment
ReDim units(0 To numUnits)
Dim atRow As Long, atCol As Long ' <-- new Dim, because of Option Explicit
'create an array of equipment one row at a time
atRow = 1
Do Until Range("A" & atRow).value = ""
'create and name equipment
units(atRow) = New Equipment
units(atRow).name = CStr(Range("A" & CStr(atRow)).value) ' <-- use CStr() anytime you need a string
'create an array of vars
Dim variables() As Variable
ReDim variables(0 To numVars)
For atCol = 1 To numVars
variables(atCol) = New Variable
variables(atCol).name = Cells(1, atCol).value
variables(atCol).value = Cells(atRow, atCol).value
Next atCol
'add variables to equipment
units(atRow).setVariables variables
atRow = atRow + 1 ' ^^^^^^^^^ not (variables) - no parens
End Sub
The key issue was the parentheses. However, this also adds Dim
statements for your variables. As @BruceWayne said, you should always use Option Explicit
. Yes, that is in every module and every class module. To do otherwise is to throw away debugging assistance from the compiler.
I actually also use Option Base 0
at the top of every module, mostly to remind myself which system I'm working in :) .
Edit I added some CStr
s, which protect you from weird corner cases. Should develop this code further, I would recommend using explicit worksheet variables rather than relying on the implicit ActiveSheet
. See, e.g., this answer.