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Split algorithm and view part using a Strategy Pattern in Kotlin

This is the code I would like to refactor:

val postListener = object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
            // Get Post object and use the values to update the UI
            val match = dataSnapshot.children
            val keysArray = KeysHandler()
            if (match != null) {

                for (data in match) {
                if (keysArray.list.size > 0) {
                    repeat(keysArray.list.size) { i ->
                        val onlineMatch = dataSnapshot.child(keysArray.getElement(i)).getValue(!!
                        onlineMatch.key = keysArray.list[i]
            //Updating GUI


As you can see I am downloading data in an array called match. Then I parse the same array obtaining an array of keys (keysArray). Then I add a specific element of the keys array to another array (requestsUser).

Considering that this algorithm could be changed I would like to incapsulate the algorithm part in another class. I read somewhere that in these kind of situation the best thing to do is to use a Strategy Pattern, but I am working in kotlin. How could I implement a Strategy Pattern in Kotlin?


  • It should be similar to Java.

    Suppose the type of requestsUsers is ArrayList<RequestsUser>.

    Create the strategy interface.

    interface Strategy {
        fun getRequestsUsers(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot): ArrayList<RequestsUser>

    Implement the interface.

    class StrategyImpl: Strategy {
        override fun getRequestsUsers(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot): ArrayList<RequestsUser> {
            val match = dataSnapshot.children
            val keysArray = KeysHandler()
            val requestsUsers = arrayListOf<RequestsUser>()
            if (match != null) {
                for (data in match) {
                if (keysArray.list.size > 0) {  //this line can be omitted
                    repeat(keysArray.list.size) { i ->
                        val onlineMatch = dataSnapshot.child(keysArray.getElement(i)).getValue(!!
                        onlineMatch.key = keysArray.list[i]
            return requestsUsers

    Declare the strategy in your class

    var strategy = StrategyImpl()  //make it var so that it can be changed

    Finally, use strategy to get the list of data and add to the list.

    val postListener = object : ValueEventListener {
        override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
            // Get Post object and use the values to update the UI
            //Updating GUI