I tried to use combineAll
to, well, combine all, I tried different combinations but could not get it work.
But I managed to get some working code by doing this ugly nesting with all these switchMap/map.
How can I achive the same result using combineAll
SelectItem$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.switchMap(() => {
return this.itemService.isEditable().switchMap(
edit => this.itemService.isSharable().switchMap(
share => this.itemService.isListable().map(
list => new item.SetShareStatus({
listable: list, editable: edit, sharable: share
I'm not sure what all the functions you call should do but it seems to me you don't need to use neither combineAll
nor switchMap
. I think you would do better with zip()
or forkJoin()
.switchMap(() => Observable.forkJoin(
.map(results => new SetShareStatus({
listable: results[2], editable: results[1], sharable: results[1]
I think combineLatest()
isn't a good choice because it emits when any of its source Observables emit which is I think what you don't want.