I convert my wave file into a mp3 file by the following code:
internal bool convertToMp3()
string lameEXE = @"C:\Users\Roflcoptr\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Prototype_Concept_2\Prototype_Concept_2\lame\lame.exe";
string lameArgs = "-V2";
string wavFile = fileName;
string mp3File = fileName.Replace("wav", "mp3");
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
process.StartInfo.FileName = lameEXE;
process.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", lameArgs, wavFile, mp3File);
int exitCode = process.ExitCode;
if (exitCode == 0)
return true;
return false;
This works, but now I'd like to not use the absolut path to the lame.exe but a relative path. I included a lame.exe in the folder /lame/ on the root of the project. How can I reference it?
If you have rights to distribute the file with your application, then one way of doing it would be to include the .exe file as an item in your C# project, with
Build Action = None
Copy to Output Directory = Copy if newer
You can then just use
string lameEXE = @"lame.exe"