I'm using ASP.Net Boilerplate. I have implemented IRepository to create a custom Repository so I could add a custom method for returning data from a Stored Procedure. However, no matter how I seem to structure the Task, async or await components I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The provider for the source IQueryable doesn't implement IDbAsyncQueryProvider. Only providers that implement IDbAsyncQueryProvider can be used for Entity Framework asynchronous operations. For more details see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=287068.
My Repository looks like:
namespace myApp.EntityFramework.Repositories
public class TruckRepository : UHaulTrucks.HoustonRepositoryBase<DailyDockQuery>, ITruckRepository
public TruckRepository(IDbContextProvider<UHaulHoustonDbContext> dbContextProvider) : base(dbContextProvider)
public IQueryable<DailyDockQuery> GetDailyDockQuery()
var ret = Context.Database.SqlQuery<DailyDockQuery>("exec Central_DailyDockQuery").AsQueryable();
return ret;
And my service:
public async Task<PagedResultOutput<DailyDockQueryListDto>> GetDailyDockQuery()
var query = _truckRepository.GetDailyDockQuery();
var dailyCount = await query.CountAsync();
var dailies = await query.ToListAsync();
var dailiesDtos = dailies.MapTo<List<DailyDockQueryListDto>>();
return new PagedResultOutput<DailyDockQueryListDto>(
The error above will be generated at any attempt to perform an async method, such as:
var dailyCount = await query.CountAsync();
var dailies = await query.ToListAsync();
As I've mentioned I have tried several variations in the Repository and Service with Task and async combinations with the same results. I'm new at implementing custom Repositories in this way and suspect although I should be getting the benefit of CountAsync and ToListAsync from IRepository that I still need to implement those in the custom class.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Still finding my way here.
Executing stored procedure (select records) sample code in Aspnetboilerplate:
public async Task<List<string>> GetUserNames()
using (var command = CreateCommand("GetUsernames", CommandType.storedProcedure))
using (var dataReader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
var result = new List<string>();
while (dataReader.Read())
return result;
I highly recommend you to read the document about using stored procedures in Aspnetboilerplate. There's everything you need: https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Articles/Using-Stored-Procedures,-User-Defined-Functions-and-Views/index.html