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Generate all possible combinations that are palindrome from a given string (Javascript)

I have a string 'racecarzz' and I would like to generate all possible combinations of each character from that string that can be read the same way backward and forward (Palindrome).

Check for Palindromes is not difficult string.split('').reverse().join('') but generating the possible combinations is quite challenging for me.


str = 'racecarzz'


arr = ['rar', 'cec', 'raar', 'caac', 'craarc', 'racecar', 'raczezcar', 'zracecarz', ...]`

I've tried the solution for get-all-combinations-for-a-string but it's still missing some like 'zracecarz', 'raczezcar', etc...

    var combinations = function (string) {
    var result = [];
    var loop = function (start,depth,prefix) {
        for (var i=start; i<string.length; i++) {
            var next = prefix+string[i];
            if (depth > 0) {
            } else {
                //check for Palindrome
                if (next == next.split('').reverse().join('')) {
    for (var i=0; i<string.length; i++) {
    //remove duplicate
    result = result.filter(function(val, ind){
      return result.indexOf(val)==ind;
    return result;
document.querySelector('#demo').innerHTML = combinations('racecarzz').join('<br>');
<div id="demo"></div>

Above returns:

["r", "a", "c", "e", "c", "a", "r", "z", "z", "rr", "aa", "cc", "zz", "rar", "rcr", "rer", "rcr", "rar", "aca", "aea", "aca", "cec", "raar", "rccr", "acca", "racar", "raear", "racar", "rcecr", "aceca", "raccar", "racecar"]



  • If you want to generate just the palindromes (without first having to generate every possible combination of all the characters and then filtering out the non-palindromes), split the characters in the input into two groups, depending on how often they occur:

    input:   racecarzz
    singles: e
    doubles: carz

    Then, generate every combination with characters from doubles:

    c, a, r, z, ca, cr, cz, ac, ar, az ... zrca, zrac  

    Then, with each of these combinations, create 3 palindromes: one without repeating the last character, one repeating the last character, and one with the single character in the middle:

    c    -> c, cc, cec
    ca   -> cac, caac, caeac
    car  -> carac, carrac, carerac
    carz -> carzrac, carzzrac, carzezrac

    If there are more than one singles, create palindromes with each of these singles:

    car -> carac, carrac, carerac, carfrac, cargrac ...  

    Don't forget to add the single characters by themselves; "e" is also a palindrome.

    If a character occurs 3 times, add it once to the doubles and once to the singles. If it occurs 4 times, add it twice to the doubles, and so on... (This will create duplicate output; if you only want unique solutions, you'll have to avoid duplicates while generating the combinations, and check the last character in combinations against the singles while generating the palindromes.)

    This is a code example of the basic version:

    function splitInput(str) {
        var singles = [], doubles = [];
        for (var i in str) {
            var char = str.charAt(i);
            var pos = singles.indexOf(char);               // check if already in singles
            if (pos == -1) singles.push(char);             // add to singles
            else doubles.push(singles.splice(pos, 1)[0]);  // move to doubles
        return {singles: singles, doubles: doubles};
    function generateCombinations(set) {
        var combis = [];
        addChar([], set);               // start recursion with empty partial and full set
        return combis;
        function addChar(partial, set) {
            for (var i in set) {
                var setCopy = set.slice();
                var parCopy = partial.concat(setCopy.splice(i, 1)); // add char to partial
                if (setCopy.length) addChar(parCopy, setCopy);    // recurse if chars left
    function generatePalindromes(combis, singles) {
        var palins = singles.slice();                      // each single is a palindrome
        for (var i in combis) {
            var pos = combis[i].length;
            var pal = combis[i].concat([' ']);             // add space for single
            pal = pal.concat(combis[i].reverse());         // add reverse
            for (var j in singles) {
                pal.splice(pos, 1, singles[j]);            // insert single in the middle
            pal.splice(pos, 1); palins.push(pal.join('')); // remove single
            pal.splice(pos, 1); palins.push(pal.join('')); // remove repeated last char
        return palins;
    function palindromeCombinations(input) {
        var sets = splitInput(input);
        var combis = generateCombinations(sets.doubles);
        return generatePalindromes(combis,;
    document.write("racecarzz &rarr; " + palindromeCombinations("racecarzz"));

    If characters can occur 3 or more times in the input, and you want to generate only unique solutions, adapt the code to:

    • When generating the combinations, skip duplicate characters when iterating over the set.
    • When generating the palindromes, skip the one without repeated last character if that last character is one of the singles.

    This requires just a few lines to be changed:

    function splitInput(str) {
        var singles = [], doubles = [];
        for (var i in str) {
            var char = str.charAt(i);
            var pos = singles.indexOf(char);               // check if already in singles
            if (pos == -1) singles.push(char);             // add to singles
            else doubles.push(singles.splice(pos, 1)[0]);  // move to doubles
        return {singles: singles, doubles: doubles};
    function generateCombinations(set) {
        var combis = [];
        addChar([], set);               // start recursion with empty partial and full set
        return combis;
        function addChar(partial, set) {
            for (var i = 0; i < set.length; i++) {              // instead of for i in set
                if (set.indexOf(set[i]) != i) continue;       // skip duplicate characters
                var setCopy = set.slice();
                var parCopy = partial.concat(setCopy.splice(i, 1)); // add char to partial
                if (setCopy.length) addChar(parCopy, setCopy);    // recurse if chars left
    function generatePalindromes(combis, singles) {
        var palins = singles.slice();                      // each single is a palindrome
        for (var i in combis) {
            var pos = combis[i].length;
            var pal = combis[i].concat([' ']);             // add space for single
            pal = pal.concat(combis[i].reverse());         // add reverse
            for (var j in singles) {
                pal.splice(pos, 1, singles[j]);            // insert single in the middle
            pal.splice(pos, 1); palins.push(pal.join('')); // remove single
            if (singles.indexOf(pal.splice(pos, 1)[0]) == -1) { // if last not in singles
                palins.push(pal.join(''));                 // without repeated last char
        return palins;
    function palindromeCombinations(input) {
        var sets = splitInput(input);
        var combis = generateCombinations(sets.doubles);
        return generatePalindromes(combis,;
    document.write("rarerara &rarr; " + palindromeCombinations("rarerara"));