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how to connect mongodb with replicaset url?

I'm using MongoDB with replication(bitnami) on Azure.
I have created three mongodb nodes(1 primary ,1 secondary and 1 arbiter). When I try to connect with MongoDB connection URI (mongodb://username:password@ip01:27017,ip02:27017,ip03:27017/?readPreference=primary&replicaSet=replicaset) it gives me error like pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: timed out, [Errno 113] No route to host, timed out, timed out
I prefered this Official Documentation (Bitnami) for connection url.

connectionString = "mongodb://root:Root123@*.*.*.*:27017,*.*.*.*:27017,*.*.*.*:27017/?replicaSet=replicaset"
client= MongoClient(connectionString)
db = client['mongo_collection']
data ={"x": 10})
for d in data:
    print d


  • According to the official document which you provided.

    Ensure that the application is able to connect to each cluster node using its public or private IP address. To ensure connectivity, you have two options:

    Host the application in the same network as the MongoDB cluster so that it can address each node using its private IP address. This is the recommended configuration for production environments. Host the application in a different network and assign public IP addresses, with appropriate firewall rules, to the cluster nodes (if not already assigned by default) so that the application can address each node using its public IP address. This configuration is not recommended for production environments.

    So, if you test in the same Azure Virtual Network, you could use private IP(example I test in my lab, I use python with this example.

    import pymongo
    client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://root:<passsword>@,,")
    db = client.test
    >>> db.my_collection
    Collection(Database(MongoClient(host=['', '', ''], document_class=dict, tz_aware=False, connect=True, replicaset='replicaset'), u'test'), u'my_collection')
    >>> db.my_collection.insert_one({"x": 10}).inserted_id


    If you want to connect your mongodb nodes, you should need ping the private IP. It is a design behavior.

    If you want to mongodb from your app or local, you need create a Site-to-Site VPN connection or Point-to-Site VPN connection.