I have the following command which returns the filenames and lengths of mp3s files:
mp3info -p "%f: %m:%02s\n" *.mp3
How can I use this in a bash script to return the total length (sum) of all mp3 files in a given directory? I would like to have the following notation: mm:ss
I'd go for a three step approach:
filename.mp3: mm:ss\n
, omit the file name and print the overall secondsThe first step is easy
mp3info -o '%S'
will do the job. Now, we want things to give us a valid numerical expression of the form
mp3info -o '%S + '
would seem wise.
Then, because the last thing mp3info prints will then be a +
, let's add a zero:
"$(mp3info -o '%S + ') 0"
and use that string in an arithmetic expression:
total_seconds=$(( $(mp3info -o '%S + ' *.mp3) 0 ))
Now, get the full minutes:
full_minutes=$(( total_seconds / 60 ))
and the remaining seconds
seconds=$(( total_seconds % 60 ))
So the total script would look like
# This code is under GPLv2
# Author: Marcus Müller
total_seconds=$(( $(mp3info -o '%S + ' *.mp3) 0 ))
printf "%02d:%02d\n" $((total_seconds / 60)) $((total_seconds % 60))