I'm in the process of porting a Drupal module to Zen Cart and need to convert some sql queries. Due to the number of items that need to be converted I can't simply change one item and then test I've done it correctly, but I don't want to do them all and then find I made an error on every one. I've done a fair few OSCommerce to Zen Cart ports in the past, but this is my first attempt at a Drupal port.
The original Drupal code is
function getCustomerData($customerId) {
$sql = "SELECT " . $this->fields['customer_firstname'] . " AS firstname, " .
$this->fields['customer_lastname'] . " AS lastname, " .
$this->fields['customer_email'] . " AS email" .
" FROM " . $this->tables['customers'] .
" WHERE " . $this->fields['customer_id'] . " = '$customerId'";
$query = $this->dbQuery($sql);
if ($this->dbNumRows($query)) {
$row = $this->dbFetchArray($query);
$customerData = array(
'firstname' => $row['firstname'],
'lastname' => $row['lastname'],
'email' => $row['email']
} else {
$customerData = false;
return $customerData;
My best guess at a converted code would be
function getCustomerData($customerId) {
global $db;
$query = $db->Execute("SELECT customers_firstname AS firstname, customers_lastname AS lastname, customers_email AS email
WHERE customers_id = ". $customerId ."");
if ($query->RecordCount()){
$customerData = array(
'firstname' => $query->fields['firstname'],
'lastname' => $query->fields['lastname'],
'email' => $query->fields['email']
} else {
$customerData = false;
return $customerData;
Any Drupal and Zen Cart experts here that can confirm if this is correct, or point me in the right direction if it isn't?
You're close - just tweaking the field names and casting the customer id as int. You also don't have to SELECT AS if you don't want to - you could just use the field names as they are and change them when setting up your array.
function getCustomerData($customerId) { global $db;
$query = $db->Execute("SELECT customers_firstname, customers_lastname, customers_email_address
WHERE customers_id = '". (int)$customerId ."'");
if ($query->RecordCount()){
$customerData = array(
'firstname' => $query->fields['customers_firstname'],
'lastname' => $query->fields['customers_lastname'],
'email' => $query->fields['customers_email_address']
} else {
$customerData = false;
return $customerData;