I am evaluating Univocity parser for one of my project, Fixed width flat file format makes one record(Bean) from three detail recs (e.g., starts with AA, BB, CC) - would this file parseable using Univocity?
I can use recordEndsOnNewline
to continue reading and add some custom conversions, but is there any out of box ParserSettings
AA1234 data
BBmore data
CCsome more data row 1 ended
AA5678 data
BBmore data
CCsome more data row 2 ended
may be use: setLineSeparator("\nAA");
Author of the library here. First you need to define the field positions. As you want to parse values that occur in multiple lines you must set recordEndsOnNewLine
to false
, so you are in the right track.
It's easier to "see" where each record starts and ends if you join the lines that form a single record:
String input = "" +
"AA1234 data\nBBmore data\nCCsome more data row 1 ended\n" +
"AA5678 data\nBBmore data\nCCsome more data row 2 ended";
Given the example you provided, the following field configuration can be created (I assumed you don't want the "AA", "BB" and "CC" strings):
FixedWidthFields fields = new FixedWidthFields();
.addField("a1", 2, 6)
.addField("a2", 7, 11)
.addField("b1", 14, 23)
.addField("c1", 26, 40)
.addField("c2", 41, 52);
And you can parse your input with this:
FixedWidthParserSettings settings = new FixedWidthParserSettings(fields);
FixedWidthParser parser = new FixedWidthParser(settings);
List<String[]> rows = parser.parseAll(new StringReader(input));
for (String[] row : rows) {
This will give you the correct output:
[1234, data, more data, some more data, row 1 ended]
[5678, data, more data, some more data, row 2 ended]
Now that we know where each field starts and ends, we can define your java bean:
public static class Bean {
@FixedWidth(from = 2, to = 6)
int a1;
@FixedWidth(from = 7, to = 11)
String a2;
@FixedWidth(from = 14, to = 23)
String b1;
@FixedWidth(from = 26, to = 40)
String c1;
@FixedWidth(from = 41, to = 52)
String c2;
public String toString() {
return "Bean{" +
"a1=" + a1 +
", a2='" + a2 + '\'' +
", b1='" + b1 + '\'' +
", c1='" + c1 + '\'' +
", c2='" + c2 + '\'' +
With that ready, parsing the input becomes simple as that:
FixedWidthParserSettings settings = new FixedWidthParserSettings();
settings.setHeaderExtractionEnabled(false); // This one is important as your input has no headers.
FixedWidthRoutines routines = new FixedWidthRoutines(settings);
for(Bean bean : routines.parseAll(Bean.class, new StringReader(input))){
Which will print the beans to the output like that:
Bean{a1=1234, a2='data', b1='more data', c1='some more data', c2='row 1 ended'}
Bean{a1=5678, a2='data', b1='more data', c1='some more data', c2='row 2 ended'}
Hope this helps