I have an annotation and during its runtime use on a method, I want to convert it 9and all its property values) into a JSON object.
The annotation:
public @interface MyAnnotation {
String name();
Integer age();
Use of it:
public class MyClass {
@MyAnnotation(name = "test", age = 21)
public String getInfo()
{ ...elided... }
When using reflection on an object of type MyClass
and getting the annotation from its getInfo
method, I would like to be able to convert the annotation to JSON. But it doesn't have any fields (since @interfaces can't have fields), so is there a way to configure an ObjectMapper
to use the methods as properties instead?
//This just prints {}
new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(method.getAnnotation(MyAnnotation.class));
Found the answer:
Use @JsonGetter
and pass it the name of the field you want it to represent.
public @interface MyAnnotation {
@JsonGetter(value = "name")
String name();
@JsonGetter(value = "age")
Integer age();
This will output as the json: {"name":"test","age":21}