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Bring multiple 2d arrays [][] on same length

i have a huge Problem when dealing with jagged arrays [][].

I wrote a program that interacts with lots of CSV-files. It will read them and then compare them. Now i have a problem if Array A has the dimension of 10 Rows and 10 Columns but Array B only has the dimension of 5 Rows and 5 Columns. I get the "out of range" on array B. This is only an example it gets even worse if i have a array which has different amount of Rows in each Column...

I tried checking for "null" but this doesnt work since i get the "out of range" once it tries to acess the field...

Now i have 2 theories to solve the problem:

A.)Check for "out of range" in Array B and if so fill Array A at the same field with a "0"

B.) Check if Array A and Array B has same dimension and if not fill the array with lesser amount with "0" so that it has the same amount

On both solutions i have absolutely no clue how to do this in C#... I am always getting the out of range...

What i currently do for 1 array is:

for (int b = CSV_Statistiken.Length - 1; b >= 0; b--)   
    for (int a = 0; a < CSV_Statistiken[b].Length; a++)     
        CSV_Statistiken[b][a] = 1;

so i get the dimension of the array and iterate through it, setting every value to 1. But how do i deal with my problem with 2 arrays?

I researched a bit but couldnt find any solution to this =/

Thanks in advance

Edit: What i am trying to do for examlple:

for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) //runs through every File existing
    NextFile = fold.Filepath + "\\" + files[i].ToString();
    file = new FileInfo(@NextFile);
    max_Rows = 0;
    max_Col = 0;
    CSV_temp = ReadCSV(file, ref max_Rows, ref max_Col); // reads the next file to an arraay [][] and saves the size of this array in max_col/ max_rows

    MAX_Col_Total = GetHighestValues(ref MAX_Col_Total, max_Col);
    MAX_Rows_Total = GetHighestValues(ref MAX_Rows_Total, max_Rows);

    for (int j = 0; j < MAX_Col_Total; j++)      //runs thrugh the max amount of cols found
        for (int k = MAX_Rows_Total - 1; k >= 0; k--)   //runs through the max mount of rows found
             if (CSV_temp.GetLength(0) >= j && CSV_temp.GetLength(1) >= k)//Checks if Field exists -> does NOT work!
                 if (CSV_temp[k][j] > (Threshhold))) //   
                     do something
                 // Field doesnt exists -> do something else


  • You can check Lengths of two arrays in for loops:

    for (int a = 0; a < array1.Length && a < array2.Length; a++)   
        for (int b = 0; b < array1[a].Length && b < array2[a].Length; b++)     

    Now your loops never go outside of any array index and you won't get IndexOutOfRangeException.


    var biggestLength1 = Math.Max(array1.Length, array2.Length);   
    for (int a = 0; a < biggestLength1; a++)   
        var biggestLength2 = 0;
        if (array1.Length > a && array2.Length > a)
            biggestLength2 = Math.Max(array1[a].Length, array2[a].Length);
            biggestLength2 = array1.Length > a ? array1.Length : array2.Length;
        for (int b = 0; b < biggestLength2; b++)     
            if (a < array1.Length && 
                a < array2.Length && 
                b < array1[a].Length && 
                b < array2[a].Length)
                // every array has enough elements count
                // you can do operations with both arrays
                // some array is bigger                           