I am storing a Hashmap in JSP in a hiddeninput element
How can I parse it into a JSON object in my javascript??
When i print the hidden input variable value in my JS output is something like this:
{zipcode=560036, fmid=xyz, quantity=1}
It is better to pass a JSON string
from server so you can easily parse. If you have a simple object structure like this (your example) you can try split it and take eack key/value pair. here is a example
var mapAsStr = "{zipcode=560036, fmid=xyz, quantity=1}";
var convertToObj = function(str) {
var obj = {};
str.replace(/\{|\}/g, '').split(',').forEach(function(pair) {
var keyVal = pair.split("=");
var key = keyVal[0].trim();
var val = keyVal[1].trim();
val = isNaN(val) ? val : parseFloat(val);
obj[key] = val;
return obj;
But note you can proceed with this only if you have a flat object structure with primitive values.