I'm using Laravel 5.1 REST API and maatwebsite solution in order to generate an Excel file on back-end. The only thing I want - is to start downloading the file on button click.
Currently I'm sending an AJAX request via native Angular2 Http
service and getting something like this
`��ࡱ�;�� ��������������������������������` ...
As I understand it actually returns a file, but I have to decode it in a proper way?
Is there working solution?
In your service or in your component from where you are sending http request. map your response to blob. Import ResponseContentType from @angular/http. For Downloading do like this:
var link=document.createElement('a');
In service do like this:
import { Response, ResponseContentType } from '@angular/http';
let url = 'your url/api'
return this.http.get(url,{headers:'pass your header',responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob})
.catch(error=>{return Observable.throw(error)})