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OSM plant pbf and Osmosis Extracting data

I'm trying to extract various landmarks from the osm planet-latest pbf.

For testing purposes I'm currently trying to extract schools, but the command is taking way to long its already been 20 minutes. The following is my osmosis command on my Linux machine.

osmosis/bin/osmosis --rbf planet-latest.osm.pbf --nkv keyValueList="" --wx ssxschools.osm

Can some one please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong or does it usually take this long. If so what can I do to optimize the speed of extracting the data.

BTW I'm using an aws r4xl2 machine running on linux with 8 vcpu and 61 gib of memory. I thought renting a machine with a good amount of memory would help.


  • The planet file is huge and compressed. I wouldn't expect this command to finish within 20 minutes. However you can give osmium a try, it is said to be faster than osmosis.