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JavaScript to get array of keys from array of objects

I have this array, each object in the array has one key only:

[{ "hello": "value1" }, { "there": "value2" }, { "everybody": "value3" }]

I want to extract all the keys into an array such that the result I want is:

["hello", "there", "everybody"]

What's a succinct way of doing this in Lodash or vanilla JavaScript (preferably ES6)?


  • Combine to a single object using Object#assign, and retrieve the keys from the object using Object#keys:

    const arr = [{ "hello": "value1" }, { "there": "value2" }, { "everybody": "value3" }];
    const keys = Object.keys(Object.assign({}, ...arr));

    And the ES5 version using lodash's _.assign() with _.spread() to combine to a single object, and _.keys() to get the keys:

    var arr = [{ "hello": "value1" }, { "there": "value2" }, { "everybody": "value3" }];
    var keys = _.keys(_.spread(_.assign)(arr))
    <script src=""></script>