I have a perl script to rebase the recommended baseline to Dev view (Dev view is in M: drive). When i am running the script from command prompt it is working, but the same script is failing when i call from Jenkins. (I am using same username as my login id in Jenkins.) Please suggest me if i am missing any configuration.
**Command which i used :**
cleartool rebase -complete -view <DEV_VIEW_TAG> -force -recommended -abort
****Jenkins Console Output:****
Advancing to baseline "<Recommended Baseline>" of component "<Component Name>"
Updating rebase view's config spec...
cleartool: Warning: Config spec OK, but unable to tell view server to load.
cleartool: Warning: View server should be restarted.
cleartool: Error: Unexpected error in rebase.
cleartool: Error: Unable to update configuration specification.
cleartool: Error: Unable to perform integration.
cleartool: Error: Unable to rebase stream "<DEV_STREAM>".
**Through Command Prompt - output:**
M:\>cleartool rebase -complete -view <DEV_VIEW_TAG> -force -recommended -abort
Advancing to baseline "<Recommended Baseline>" of component "<Component Name>"
Updating rebase view's config spec...
Creating integration activity...
Setting integration activity...
Merging files...
No versions require merging in stream "<DEV_STREAM>".
Checking in files...
Clearing integration activity...
Updating stream's configuration...
Cleaning up...
Rebase completed.
Double-check your USERNAME and other environment variable in the failed JEnkins job.
That will validate that you are using ClearCase in the same condition as in your command-line.
I have always seen that error message because a rebase was in progress at the time the Jenkins job was attempting its own rebase.
So make sure, before launching the Jenkins job, that no rebase is in progress in the view used by said job.
USERPROFILE = C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile
That is exactly what I thought: Jenkins is launched with a System account instead of your account. Double-check the Jenkins Windows service: you should be able to change its account used to run it: use yours.