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Strategy to unprovision old applicationtype versions in Service Fabric

Is there a way to set some sort of configuration on the cluster to remove service fabric application type versions? Like only keep the last 5 versions or something?

For example i have CI/CD deploying new versions of a service fabric app to our cluster, it leaves a bunch of application version types in the cluster. Is there a way to automatically unprovision them over time or only keep a certain number of versions?


  • There are two options that cross my mind -

    • Specify UnregisterUnusedApplicationVersionsAfterUpgrade = $true when you execute Deploy-FabricApplication.ps1. This parameter indicates whether to unregister any unused application versions that exist after an upgrade is finished.

    • Add custom script into your release defintion, deployment script or whereever you want that will resolve all the deployed app types and unprovision those ones that you think are obsolete. Here is the command that you will need to use - Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType. Here is some example of the script that unregisters all the app types except running ones -

      #resolve all app types
      $appTypes = Get-ServiceFabricApplicationType
      foreach($appType in $appTypes)
         #try to find the match with any of installed applications
         $match = Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationTypeName $appType.ApplicationTypeName | Where-Object {$_.ApplicationTypeVersion -eq $appType.ApplicationTypeVersion}
             Write-Host "Deleting $($appType.ApplicationTypeName) $($appType.ApplicationTypeVersion)"
             Unregister-ServiceFabricApplicationType -ApplicationTypeName $appType.ApplicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $appType.ApplicationTypeVersion -Force -Confirm