Our application deals with millions of records and we use spring with jpa.
Currently we are exploring on the feasibility to use Berkeley database in our application and as couldn't find much solutions available googling.
We would like to know whether any of BDB APIs can be used in caching the data retrieved from DB2 database, we want to do that to increase the performance much way better since the data will grow on a daily basis.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm not aware of anything in BerkeleyDB itself that is geared towards this, nor anything in JPA itself that lets you attach caches. Rather, there are interfaces in the various implementations for plugging in caches - hence, the answer will rather depend on which JPA implementation you're using.
Based on a quick look, it seems neither OpenJPA nor EclipseLink have any way to use an on-disk cache, but Hibernate can use a variety of cache providers, of which EHCache and OSCache have on-disk options. I don't know about other implementations.