I've very limited Javascript skills, and I am trying to put together a script that goes beyond my skills.
I am using Google Tag Manager in order to setup a script that captures the product name of a product that a user adds to his/her shopping cart.
So the thought is that when a user clicks an "add to cart" button, I also capture the name of the product that the user adds and store it in a variable. My problem is that I've no idea on how to do this when there are multiple products on the same page.
What would the script look like in order to capture the name of the product that is being added to the cart?
Page example can be found here: cxshop.azurewebsites.net
First of all you need to crate variable, which will find your product name
1) Go to Variables -> User-Defined Variables -> New
2) Type -> Custom JavaScript
3) Name: Product Name
4) Code:
var element = {{Click Element}};
return $.trim($('h2.product-title, h1[itemprop="name"]',element.closest('div[data-productid]')).text());
Create trigger
1) Go to Triggers -> New
Name: Add to cart trigger
Type: Click - All elements
Click Element
- matches CSS selector
- .product-box-add-to-cart-button, .add-to-wishlist-button
Create tag
1) Go to Tags -> News
Name: Add to cart tag
Type: Universal Analytics
Track type: Event
Fill data, what you want to send into GA. For example:
Category: Add to cart
Action: Click
Label: {{Product Name}}
Set trigger: "Add to cart trigger"