I am using the below to format the number I get after calulating the % increase or decrease, which means this number can be positive or a negative number. The below works fine on Coldfusion, but on Lucee it throws an error - can't cast [- 6.50] string to a number value. Any idea how to workaround this.
<cfif money_deposit lt 0>
<cfset testVar = abs(NumberFormat(money_deposit,'99.99'))>
<cfset testVar = NumberFormat(money_deposit,'99.99')>
First, remove any empty spaces. In any case, it is good practice to first test whether the input parameter is numeric.
<!--- Remove any spaces --->
<cfset money_deposit = REreplace(money_deposit,"\s","","all")>
<cfif isNumeric(money_deposit)>
<cfif money_deposit lt 0>
<cfset testVar = abs(NumberFormat(money_deposit,'-99.99'))>
<cfset testVar = NumberFormat(money_deposit,'99.99')>