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calculate SUM for single column with DbFlow

I'm using latest version of DBFLOW library and i'm trying to calculate sum single column as countOfNewPosts

this is my table:

public class CafeWebNewPostInformation extends BaseModel {
    public int id;

    public int cafeWebServerId;

    public int countOfNewPosts;

    @ForeignKey(tableClass = AlachiqCafeWebs.class,
            references = @ForeignKeyReference(columnName = "parentId", foreignKeyColumnName = "id"))
    private int parentId;

    public int lastSavedId;

    public int lastRequestedId;

    public int lastRetrievedId;

and this is my code to get that from this table:

CafeWebNewPostInformation countOfNewPost =

i dont get any error and this is result of that:


enter image description here

what happen and where is count on this result?


  • problem solved

    think about it. you are calling

    SELECT SUM(`countOfNewPosts`) as 'count' FROM `CafeWebNewPostInformation`

    Meaning the results you get back only contain a single row of count from that query. You wont get any error since we don't implement strict column matching on a Cursor. You need to define a @QueryModel QueryModels that has a single field called count:

    @QueryModel // (add database reference)
    public class CountOfPost {
      public int count;


    CountOfPost count =

    or you can instead of calling querySingle() call count().
