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how to track errors in FPGA/ASIC development using post place'n' route and/or post synthesis simulation?

I am a bit confused on the usefulness of post PnR and/or post synthesis simulations for FPGA/ASIC development. If the synthesis or PnR process complete successfully in the design flow, is there any chance that the respective 'post' simulation will reveal errors in the design? Could someone give an example?


  • In typical design flow post Synthesis and/or post PnR simulations are not useful and the aim should be to avoid them.

    Post synthesis simulation can only unearth bugs in the, well, synthesis tool which are extremely rare in established FPGA tools. Checking these should not be an integral part of any design flow.

    Albeit there are some very rare cases where the PnR tools might make e.g. technology mapping error or fail to give a warning from design rule violation, at minimum 99% of the cases that reveal problems in Post PnR simulation are due to design error, most typically clock domain crossing, memory access race conditions a good, but already very rare, second.

    Therefore, the emphasis should be in adhering to the design rules and having rigorous design methodology to avoid the problems rather than trying to catch them in the post PnR simulation.

    To your question - if there is no negative slack and the design rule check is ok, there should not be anything more that either of the post simulations can reveal.

    One practical use for post PnR simulation is when you have complex design that is failing occasionally due to timing variation of an external component or mistake in I/O constraints, but you don't have a clue about the error mechanism. Combination of integrated logic analyzer and post PnR simulation can help the trickiest of situations to find out the root cause.