can anybody tell me, what's wrong with my code if AnythingSlider (or rather Firebug) throws the following error when initialised?
base.panelSize[page] is undefined
width: base.panelSize[page][0], jquery.anythingslider.js, Line 442
JS-Code (inside of $(document).ready-function)):
width: 800,
height: 564,
startPanel: 1,
autoPlay: false,
startStopped: true,
animationTime: 600,
hashTags: false,
buildNavigation: false,
pauseOnHover: false,
startText: "",
stopText: ""
i tried this with the latest version ( Motties' fork of Chris Coyers' AnythingSlider (available here).
Problem solved, thanks for all help provided. I was code-blind and thus applied the #slider to a div instead an ul... (i believe this worked in a prior version, but i'm not sure, anymore)