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Ipywidgets Jupyter Notebook Interact Ignore Argument

Is there a way to have interact(f) ignore certain arguments in f? I believe it is getting confused by the fact that I have a default argument that I use to pass in a dataframe. Here is my function:

def show_stats(start,end,df_pnl=df_pnl):
    mask = df_pnl['Fulldate'] >= start & df_pnl['FullDate'] <= end
    df_pnl = df_pnl[mask]
    #do some more transformations here

Here is what I'm trying to do:


And here is the error I'm getting:

enter image description here

I hypothesize that interact somehow changes df_pnl into a string (since it gives a dropdown of the column headers in the interact output), and fails because it then tries to do df_pnl['Fulldate']..... on a string, which causes the error shown.

How do I get around this? Could I exclude that argument from my function while still having it work on the correct dataframe? Is there an option within interact to ignore certain arguments in the function?



  • So it is a little difficult to test this solution without a sample DataFrame but I think that functools.partial may be what you are looking for. Essentially partial allows you to define a new function with one of the keyword arguments or positional arguments loaded beforehand. Try the code below and see if works;

    from functools import partial
    def show_stats(start, end, df_pnl):
        mask = df_pnl['Fulldate'] >= start & df_pnl['FullDate'] <= end
        df_pnl = df_pnl[mask]
        #do some more transformations here
    # Define the new partial function with df_pnl loaded.
    show_stats_plus_df = partial(show_stats, df_pnl=YOUR_DATAFRAME)
    interact(show_stats_plus_df, start=start_str, end=today_str)


    You could also try ipywidgets the fixed function.

    from ipywidgets import fixed
    def show_stats(start, end, df_pnl):
        mask = df_pnl['Fulldate'] >= start & df_pnl['FullDate'] <= end
        df_pnl = df_pnl[mask]
        #do some more transformations here
    interact(show_stats, start=start_str, end=today_str, df_pnl=fixed(df_pnl))

    Please comment below if this doesn't solve the problem.