I am checking the selected value from a drop down field on a web page in Selenium Python. I would like to print out what the selected value is. I am getting all of the values from the drop down printed out. E.g. The drop down has a list of the following values: "Floating Point", "Date/Time", "Text string", "Integer" E.g. The selected value is "Text String" When i print the value it is printing out "Floating pointDate/timeText stringInteger"
My code snippet is:
def get_selected_value_from_user_defined_type_dropdown(self, type):
# Params : the selected value for the user defined type dropdown e.g. Text string
user_defined_type_dropdown_element = self.get_element(By.XPATH, '//table[@id="data_configuration_edit_data_object_tab_details_tb_fields"]/tbody/tr[1]//td[3]//select')
print ("------------------------------")
print user_defined_type_dropdown_element.text
return user_defined_type_dropdown_element.text
Get Element is in my base class, the implmentation is:
# returns the element if found
def get_element(self, how, what):
# params how: By locator type
# params what: locator value
element = self.driver.find_element(by=how, value=what)
except NoSuchElementException, e:
print what
print "Element not found "
print e
screenshot_name = how + what + get_datetime_now() # create screenshot name of the name of the element + locator + todays date time. This way the screenshot name will be unique and be able to save
return element
The HTML is:
<table id="data_configuration_edit_data_object_tab_details_tb_fields" class="GJPPK2LBJE border" cellspacing="0" __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingfocus="true" __gwtcellbasedwidgetimpldispatchingblur="true">
<thead aria-hidden="false">
<tbody style="">
<tr class="GJPPK2LBCD GJPPK2LBJD" __gwt_subrow="0" __gwt_row="0">
<div __gwt_cell="cell-gwt-uid-214" style="outline-style:none;">
<select tabindex="-1">
<option value="Floating point">Floating point</option>
<option value="Date/time">Date/time</option>
<option selected="selected" value="Text string">Text string</option>
<option value="Integer">Integer</option>
<tr class="GJPPK2LBCE" __gwt_subrow="0" __gwt_row="1">
<tbody style="display: none;">
<tfoot style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true"/>
How do i print out what the selected value is?
I have tried to use first_selected_option but i get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Webdriver\ClearCore 501 Regression Test\ClearCore 501 - Regression Test\TestCases\DataObjectsPage_TestCase.py", line 294, in testk_edit_Data_Objects_ACVSEQ_Is_The_Saved_Details_Present
self.assertTrue(data_objects_edit_page.is_value_saved_from_user_defined_type_dropdown("Text string"), "Data Objects ACVSEQ type drop down does not show the expected saved value. Please see log for details")
File "C:\Webdriver\ClearCore 501 Regression Test\ClearCore 501 - Regression Test\Pages\data_objects_edit.py", line 140, in is_value_saved_from_user_defined_type_dropdown
return self.get_selected_value_from_user_defined_type_dropdown(str(value)) == value
File "C:\Webdriver\ClearCore 501 Regression Test\ClearCore 501 - Regression Test\Pages\data_objects_edit.py", line 133, in get_selected_value_from_user_defined_type_dropdown
selected_option_element = user_defined_type_dropdown_element.first_selected_option
AttributeError: 'WebElement' object has no attribute 'first_selected_option'
My code snippet is:
def get_selected_value_from_user_defined_type_dropdown(self, type):
#Params : the selected value for the user defined type dropdown e.g. Text string
user_defined_type_dropdown_element = self.get_element(By.XPATH, '//table[@id="data_configuration_edit_data_object_tab_details_tb_fields"]/tbody/tr[1]//td[3]//select')
selected_option_element = user_defined_type_dropdown_element.first_selected_option
print ("------------------------------")
print selected_option_element.text
return selected_option_element.text
I got the snippet for Python to use first_selected_option from this post: https://sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/12029/how-do-i-work-with-dropdowns-in-selenium-webdriver
Why is first_selected_option not working? What is the syntax please?
Thanks, Riaz
is the <select>
tag, that is why you are getting all the options when printing it. If you want the selected option use Select
class and first_selected_option
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select
# initialize Select object
select = Select(user_defined_type_dropdown_element)
# to print the text
# to print the value