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How to set Google Maps API key in PrimeFaces extensions gChart

I'm using PrimeFaces extensions (6.1.0) to create some charts using pe:gChart.

One of the charts is a geo chart as appears in the showcase. No problems so far.

Another chart I need to render is a marker geo chart. This is not explained in the PrimeFaces extensions showcase, but I was hoping this would be an easy job. I ended up with this model (which I believe is correct):

GChartModelBuilder builder = new GChartModelBuilder();
builder.addOption("displayMode", "markers");
builder.addOption("region", country);
builder.addColumns("City", "Total");
for (...) {
  builder.addRow(city, total);

When I run my project I do see a map for this chart. The region is correct, but no markers appear. There is marker data generated though.

My browser console tells me:

Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError

Is there any way I can set this API key without creating hacks?


I've created a custom renderer:

public class MyGChartsRenderer extends GChartRenderer

  protected void encodeMarkup(FacesContext context, GChart chart) throws IOException

    this.startScript(writer, chart.getClientId());
    // Appended ?key=xxxxx to the URL (other lines are not modified)
    writer.writeAttribute("src", "", null);


And loaded it in the faces-config.xml:


But the Google Maps API error keeps appearing in my console.


  • DISCLAIMER: I created an answer, not because it is the answer but because it is so much information that it won't fit in a comment in any way any way (hmmm ;-))

    DISCLAIMER 2: I might have missed some things and did not actually try... Hope you don't mind.

    Note: Three months ago PrimeFaces extensions updated to a newer Google charts api version according to the commits and issue 452 with upcoming changes so I focussed on that!

    In the PrimeFaces-extensions gchart.js I noticed

    google.charts.load('current', {
            packages : [ 'corechart', 'geochart', 'orgchart' ]
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
            google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {

    While on on Visualization: GeoChart | Charts | Google Developers I saw

    google.charts.load('current', {
        // Note: you will need to get a mapsApiKey for your project.
        // See:
        'mapsApiKey': 'AIzaSyD-9tSrke72PouQMnMX-a7eZSW0jkFMBWY'

    Related tot the issue commit/fix/issue, in the PrimeFaces extensions showcase source trunk I also noted they explicitly load

    <script src=""></script>

    in the xhtml.

    Lots of upcoming changes, so the most future proof solution would be to try 6.2-SNAPSHOT and create a real good fix where you

    • add a mapsApiKey property and getters/setters to
    • add .attr("mapsApiKey", chart.getMapsApiKey()) to
    • add this.mapsApiKey = cfg.mapsApiKey -and 'mapsApiKey': this.mapsApiKey to gchart.js in the right places