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Google maps platform navigation SDK and Android Automotive (AAOS)

followMyLocation in GoogleMap requires implementation of NavigationApi.NavigatorListener interface. When at first run on an Android mobile device this interface opens automoatically a dialog asking to accept Navigation terms and conditions. But implementation of this interface for use in Android Automotive (AAOS) does not open automatically a dialog to accept the terms and conditions. Therefore NavigationApi throws TERMS_NOT_ACCEPTED error.

Is there any way to show terms and conditions for Google Navigation applications running in Android Automotive devices?

Below code snipped shows the implementation of NavigationApi.NavigatorListener

fun initializeNavigationApi() {
        object : NavigationApi.NavigatorListener {
            override fun onNavigatorReady(navigator: Navigator?) {
                // Disables the guidance notifications and shuts down the app and background service
                // when the user dismisses/swipes away the app from Android's recent tasks.
                navigationViewForAuto!!.getMapAsync { googleMap ->
                    googleMap.apply {
                        isTrafficEnabled = true
            override fun onError(@NavigationApi.ErrorCode errorCode: Int) {
                when (errorCode) {
                    NavigationApi.ErrorCode.NOT_AUTHORIZED -> {
                        // Note: If this message is displayed, you may need to check that
                        // your API_KEY is specified correctly in AndroidManifest.xml
                        // and is been enabled to access the Navigation API
                        Log.i("NAVIGATION API",
                            "Error loading Navigation API: Your API key is " +
                                    "invalid or not authorized to use Navigation."
                    NavigationApi.ErrorCode.TERMS_NOT_ACCEPTED -> {
                        Log.i("NAVIGATION API",
                            "Error loading Navigation API: User did not " +
                                    "accept the Navigation Terms of Use."
                    else -> Log.i("NAVIGATION API", "Error loading Navigation API: $errorCode")


  • The Google Maps/Navigation SDK isn't currently supported on Android Automotive OS Cars with Google built-in, so that may be part of the issue.