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Set a boolean from buttonGroup (vue-strap)

I try to use the component buttonGroup from the library vue-strap as a toggle but I can't get it work. I succeed to set string value but not boolean value.

Here is the code

<button-group v-model="radioValue" type="primary">
  <radio selected-value="true">Correct</radio>
  <radio selected-value="false">Incorrect</radio>

The variable radioValue is updated correctly and set to "true" or "false" (string). But now I'd like to set a boolean instead (true or false).

I tried to make a codepen but I can't get it work neither. If it was working, I would tell you to open the console and execute vm.radioValue, click on Incorrect and execute vm.radioValue a second time. You will see that a string is set instead of a boolean.

I tried to bind the value (:select-value="true"). It kind of work but when the user clic on "Correct", the other button (Incorrect) is also active. Maybe it's a bug from vue-strap...


  • I think a major part of your problem is that you're using vue-strap for Vue 1 (at least in your CodePen).

    Since the button-group works with string values and you want a boolean value, you should make a settable computed to use as a proxy, to convert between string and boolean. Then v-model that proxy value in your button-group.

    You can also make a component to hide the proxying, see the boolean-button-group in my snippet.

    var vm = new Vue({
      components: {
        'buttonGroup': VueStrap.buttonGroup,
        'booleanButtonGroup': {
          template: '<button-group v-model="proxyValue" :type="type"><slot></slot></button-group>',
          props: {
            type: {},
            value: {
              type: Boolean
          computed: {
            proxyValue: {
              get() { return this.value.toString(); },
              set(stringValue) { this.$emit('input', stringValue === 'true'); }
          components: {
            buttonGroup: VueStrap.buttonGroup
      el: "#app",
      data: {
        radioValue: false
      computed: {
        proxyRadioValue: {
          get() {
            return this.radioValue.toString();
          set(stringValue) {
            this.radioValue = stringValue === 'true';
    <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src="//"></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <div id="app">
      <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
          <button-group v-model="proxyRadioValue" type="primary">
            <radio selected-value="true">Correct</radio>
            <radio selected-value="false">Incorrect</radio>
          {{radioValue ? 'yes' : 'no'}}
        <div class="row">
        <boolean-button-group v-model="radioValue" type="info">
          <radio selected-value="true">Correct</radio>
          <radio selected-value="false">Incorrect</radio>