In our scenario we need to edit the data directly from the grid, without passing by a button that changes the state of the row.
Example : a checkbox that changes a boolean value into the data. This sort of update doesn't necessarily need a button to change the state of the row : the user could possibly change the value through the checkbox without changing the state of the grid.
My question is : what the more convenient way of doing this ? I've seen the grid has mutliple kinds of update (Template-Driver Forms, External Forms, Reactive Forms etc ...) but each time the developer has to put a button to change the state of the row.
I manage this directly into my grid template, and I bypassed the kendoGridEditTemplate
because it demands a user interaction with the row.
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate
*ngIf="column.value.Type === 'boolean'">
<span *ngIf="!column.value.Editable" [...]></span>
<kendo-switch *ngIf="column.value.Editable && Config.Editable === 'Direct'"
(valueChange)="gridEditable.updateData(Config, dataItem, [{field:column.value.Editable.Column, value: $event }])">
We'll use the kendoGridEditTemplate
when we'll integrate user interaction when modifying the row data.