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Does every OAuth2.0 API support "sign-in with" functionality?

Most of my users already use an service called 23andMe, which supports OAuth2.0.

I want to let my users register for my app by authenticating with this service. This should be easy since I can pull their email address over api once they authenticate.

I want to continually pull data from this service on behalf of my user. This should be doable using a job that uses their refresh token.

I want to let my users sign-in to my app by authenticating with this service. This is the part I'm struggling with.

Does the OAuth-capable API in question need to offer special methods in order to let users login using their service?

Or can I achieve "login with" functionality using any OAuth-capable API?

When a user clicks "login with X," do I have to check my db for a user with an email that matches their "X" email? Or is there an easier way?

I see that Google's API has a GoogleAuth object that handle session functionality


  • From 23andMe developer:

    Our login does not behave like facebook/twitter/google auth. It is meant to allow you as a developer to request access to a 23andMe customers data as detailed