I'm experiencing quite long freezes of Internet Explorer while it's executing long run tasks. The task is about generating large PDF document using pdfmake and pure/vanilla javascript. So, that means I dont have control of what this script do, I just call it:
function getPdf(docDefinition, filename) {
var t = Date.now();
return pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition).download(fileName + '.pdf', function() {
console.log('pdfMake.createPdf: \'' + fileName + '.pdf\' generated in: ' + (Date.now() - t) + 'ms');
For some large docs it take more than 30sec while I cant do anything.
How to prevent of freezing, so I could display some spinning wait icon, or somthing else?
Since version 10 IE supports web-workers which allow running JS on a different thread than the main thread.