Design Pattern : .NET , I have to check 100+ compliance. For each compliance I have to create a separate class for it. Which is the best solution/Design pattern to build application which checks all compliance with one go, connecting each compliance to each other ?
As its not yet designed, so I am asking for input for a better designing. Requirements : A compliance check for all the banks. Each bank have different rule set before giving a loan approval and few rule set are based on government norms. Scenario : 1. Common Ruleset for Federal government. 2. Each states have their own rule set. 3. Each bank have their own rule set.
In Project Classname would be like
Class BankOfAmerica
//all rules
Class Bank2
//all rules
Class State1
//all rules
Class State2
//all rules
Class Country
//all rules
Now for a single user , I want to check eligibility for a loan against more than one bank including different states and a country.
Looks like the Composite pattern is the answer. You should extract the compliance interface from your 100+ compliancies:
public interface ICompliance
bool IsCompliant {get;}
and implement composite compliance:
public class ConfjunctionCompositeCompliance
IList<ICompliance> compliancies = new List<ICompliance>();
public Add(ICompliance compl) {...}
public bool IsCompliant
get { return compliancies.Aggregate(true, (c, a) => c &= a.IsCompliant); }
(of course you can optimize checking for conjunction and disjunction boolean checks)