I just upgraded R and rgl to the following versions. Now, rgl.snapshot() no longer works. It worked in previous versions. Is there a way around this?
R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)
rgl version 0.92.798
> library(rgl)
> x<-rnorm(100)
> y<-rnorm(100)
> z<-rnorm(100)
> r<-0.2
> p <- plot3d(x, y, z, axes=FALSE, box=FALSE, radius=r, type='s',
+ xlab="", ylab="", zlab="", col=rainbow(100))
> rgl.snapshot("C:\\Temp\\pic.png", fmt="png", top=TRUE )
Error in rgl.snapshot("C:\\Temp\\pic.png") :
pixmap save format not supported in this build
That build doesn't have PNG support (yet). You can use postscript