Hey, I am using JavaCV from this library org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core
in version 1.3.2 as a gradle dependency.
I am running this code to get the corners on the chessboard but I have troubles getting the coordinates to each of the detected corners:
Mat imageCorners = new Mat();
Size boardSize = new Size(9,6);
boolean found = findChessboardCorners(capturedFrame,boardSize,imageCorners,CV_CALIB_CB_ADAPTIVE_THRESH+CV_CALIB_CB_NORMALIZE_IMAGE);
But for the 54 corners the method detects, the matrix which stores the corners has just a size of 54x1.
if (found) {
FloatRawIndexer sI = imageCorners.createIndexer();
for (int y = 0; y < imageCorners.rows(); y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < imageCorners.cols(); x++) {
logger.debug("Row: " + y + " Column " + x);
logger.debug(sI.get(y, x));
The logfile looks like this:
14:57:50.057 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 0 Column 0
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 164.02007
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 1 Column 0
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 224.07906
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 2 Column 0
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 283.54288
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 3 Column 0
14:57:50.059 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 343.4154
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 4 Column 0
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 402.7718
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 5 Column 0
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 462.38278
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 6 Column 0
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 522.2342
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 7 Column 0
14:57:50.060 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 580.99805
14:57:50.061 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 8 Column 0
14:57:50.061 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 640.7774
14:57:50.061 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - Row: 9 Column 0
14:57:50.061 [main] DEBUG JavaCVTransformation2 - 151.04564
Drawing it works perfectly fine, so somewhere there have to be two coordinates to each corner, I think.
drawChessboardCorners(capturedFrame, boardSize, imageCorners, found);
Is there a way to get the coordinates of the corners when calling findChessboardCorners()
I did not found a solution for the method findChessboardCorners
, but I found another method svFindChessboardCorners
from import static org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_calib3d.*;
with which it worked.
IplImage iplImage = frameConverter.convertToIplImage(capturedFrame);
CvSize boardSize = new CvSize(9, 6);
float[] corners = new float[108];
int found = cvFindChessboardCorners(iplImage, boardSize, corners);
This method will store the corner coordinates on the float array, so accessing the first point would be something like this:
Point2f srcp1 = new Point2f(corners[0], corners[1]);