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NodeJS+Bootstrapp+CSS : home buildup thumbnail gallery add white background to images

I have a container named mainContainer. In this container, I want to create a thumbnails gallery. Unfortunately, when I modify my CSS, I have some issues, I have some white background color instead of the background color for my mainContainer.

Here is the result page : thumbnail gallery with unexpected white background Here is the code of my page.

<html lang='fr'>
    <% include includes/head-global %>
    <% include includes/head-bootstrap %>
  <body onload="buildUpPage()">
    <div class = "container mainContainer" id = "mainContainer">
      <div class="row" id="galleryTargets">  <!-- Row : thumbnail          -->

  <% include tools/thumbnail %>
  function buildUpPage() {
    var universData = <%- universData %>
    createThumbnail(universData.targets, "galleryTargets", "/" + + "/")

Express JS code for function createThumbnail :

  function addOneCaptionToContainer (item, containerDOM, baseImgTargetUrl) {
    var thumbnail = document.createElement("div")
    thumbnail.setAttribute("class", "thumbnail col-xs-4")

    var ref = document.createElement("a")
    ref.setAttribute("href", baseImgTargetUrl +
    ref.setAttribute("class", "thumbnail")

    var img =  document.createElement("img")
    img.setAttribute("src", "/"+item.backgroundImage)
    img.setAttribute("class", "imgThumbnails")

  function createThumbnail(itemsList, containerDOM, baseImgTargetUrl) {
    for (let u of itemsList) {
      addOneCaptionToContainer(u, containerDOM, baseImgTargetUrl)


Now the CSS part :

 background-color: #A6A4AA;
.imgThumbnails {
 /*for the thumbnails in the gallery */
  margin: 0px;
  border-width: medium;
  border-color: #2C3756;  
  border-radius: 10px;

I will appreciate an explanation. What must I do to remove these white background colors ?

The inheritance seems to cause problems : see Properties not taken into account


  • You have to remove the padding otherwise there will be empty space if you make the background-color transparent.

       padding: 0;