i am trying to get the OU and O from a user ID which is newly created
Question: i want to get full path of the new register ID.
1) Without login to that account to return the user ID Information ?
Full path = CN=TestUser1/OU=Software/O=pcs
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim adminp As NotesAdministrationProcess
Set adminp = _
noteid$ = adminp.SetUserPasswordSettings( _
"CN=TestUsesr1/OU=Software/O=pcs", PWD_CHK_LOCKOUT, 0, 0, True)
If noteid$<> "" Then
Dim db As New NotesDatabase(mailsvr, "admin4.nsf")
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Call ws.EditDocument(False, db.GetDocumentByID(noteid$))
End If
End Sub
Actually what i really want to do is to force user to first times login an account to force user change his/her http password
i not sure this is the correct way to do it or not for a new created ID?
below link is related with this topic:
force notes user to change password / internet password on next login using lotus script
As already partly answered in your linked question forcing a user to change his internet password is very easy:
Here is some example code (no error handling, not syntax checked). From the documentation your adminp- example should work as well, but it will lockout the user and not allow him to login if the server is configured like to check passwords...
Dim db as NotesDatabase
Dim viwUser as NotesView
Dim docUser as NotesDocument
Set db = New NotesDatabase( yourServer, "names.nsf" )
Set viwUser = db.GetView( "($Users)" )
Set docUser = viwUser.GetDocumentByKey( "CN=TestUsesr1/OU=Software/O=pcs" )
Call docUser.ReplaceItemValue( "HTTPPasswordForceChange" , "1" )
Call docUser.Save( True, True, True )