I have a Node.JS file that outputs page load analysis test results. I have stored the results in a file results.json
, with JSON.stringify()
launchChromeAndRunLighthouse('https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/', flags, perfConfig).then(results => {
fs.appendFile('results.json', JSON.stringify(results), (err) => {
if(err){ throw err; }
console.log('Data was appended to file!');
var myObj = results.json; //problematic
var JSON_to_HTML = mustache.render('This test was generated at this time: {{generatedTime}}.', myObj); //problematic
Now I want to display the results in the browser, so I want to translate the JSON into HTML. I want to use mustache for this, but these lines aren't working for me:
var myObj = results.json;
var JSON_to_HTML = mustache.render('Test was generated at this time: {{generatedTime}}.', myObj);
I get the error "results isn't defined", the JSON file can't be read by mustache like this. I can't initialize "myObj" with the raw JSON, because it's about a million lines (and I need to later run tests for a whole bunch of pages, so I can't hardcode that right now).
I'm not sure how to translate this JSON file I have now into HTML. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm a beginner to Node and Mustache, any tips are highly appreciated.
A lot of googling led me to my own answer.
To read the JSON file of the test results and make an HTML page out of it, I had to create a package.json file for this Node module (ran npm init
). After I created the file, I opened it in sublime and edited the scripts
so a CLI command 'build' would take the .json file, take a .mustache file with the stuff I wanted to display from the .json file, and stick those in a .html file.
"scripts": {
"build": "mustache results.json basicTemplate.mustache > theDisplay.html",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
results.json is where I stringified into, from the question. basicTemplate.mustache is for now
{{generatedtime}} {{initialurl}}
and theDisplay.html is just a basic html template (like this).
Now when I run node <name of node module>
, the results file is generated. Then I run npm run build
, and this script I just created in the package.json is run. That modifies theDisplay.html. You should now be able to double-click theDisplay.html in Finder, and a browser opens up with the time the tests were generated, as well as the url of the page tested.