For which input does the following function reduce to the identity (modulo 1 ulp)?
public static double invertTwice(double value) {
double inverse = 1.0 / value;
return 1.0 / inverse;
Also, what is the largest interval [min, max]
for which the function is the identity (modulo 1 ulp)?
How come values in the range [1E-320...1E-310] are mapped to +Infinity when inverted? (A subsequent inversion of which will result in 0.0!)
Motivation: the general relation
a / b == a * (1.0 / b)
does not hold for all double pairs, even when b != 0.0
, for instance a = 0.0
and b = 4.9E-324
This has to be taken into account when normalizing vectors, for instance
[0.0 b 0.0] * (1.0 / b) == [NaN Infinity NaN]
[0.0/b b/b 0.0/b] == [0.0 1.0 0.0]
Remark: My question is not about normalizing vectors, but about what I wrote above. Thank you!
using bisection search, I found the interval of double values that is invariant under 2x inversion
value == 1.0 / (1.0 / value)
to be
[5.562684646268010E-309 ... 1.7976931348623151E308]