I created an Asp.net api in VS2015. Inside the Areas>HelpPage>App_Start>HelpPageConfig.cs I uncommented line 37
config.SetDocumentationProvider(new XmlDocumentationProvider(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XmlDocument.xml")));
There was no XmlDocument.xml in the App_Data folder for the project so I created one with the tags I'd seen in self documenting xml's in other apis
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
but when building and/or running the application nothing is going into the xml. It's my understanding that when this is turned on the XML sel documents based on each ///summary for a given method with an intellisense alert for any public method that does not have a summary but I cna't find any code that would explicitly copy summary information to this xml as "member" tags inside of teh "members" tag nor is it happening. What step am I missing that I'm not seeing in the how to's on the internet for turning on self documentation in an APi?
In project propeties repoint XML documentation destintion folder to your desired folder. I suppose it would be better to use app_data
instead of App_code
take a look into 1st and 2nd steps of this question answer