I have a Smarty variable thats called{$url}
and it contains following URL:
$url = https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello:world:itsme
I want everything after the last ":" to be removed.
The result should look like this:
$result = https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello:world
With my knowledge it was only possible for me that I get the following result:
$result = https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello
How can I get this result with Smarty?
Thanks for your help!
Try with explode,array_slice and implode
Like this :-
$url = 'https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello:world:itsme';
$array=array_slice($array, 0, 3);
https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello:world //as o/p
For removing everything after the last ":" use array_pop
Like this
$url = 'https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello:world:itsme:itsme2';
https://www.example.com/?parameter=hello:world:itsme //as o/p