how can i add button which adds class in hallo.js editor?
Here is my code, but it dont works, it ony register fuction in wagtai;s edit interface. In the end I need to add any class to selection or current tag. Mb I can see it in html in someway and add classes manually?
(function() {
(function(jQuery) {
return jQuery.widget('', {
options: {
editable: null,
toolbar: null,
uuid: '',
buttonCssClass: 'center'
populateToolbar: function(toolbar) {
var buttonElement, buttonset;
buttonset = jQuery('<span class="' + this.widgetName + '"></span>');
buttonElement = jQuery('<span></span>');
uuid: this.options.uuid,
editable: this.options.editable,
label: 'Center element',
command: 'addClass("center")',
icon: 'icon-horizontalrule',
cssClass: this.options.buttonCssClass
return toolbar.append(buttonset);
As mentioned in the Wagtail customisation docs, you need to call registerHalloPlugin
. You'll also need to configure the whitelist to allow your <span>
element - rich text fields intentionally don't allow inserting arbitrary HTML. (See for more detail.)
However, I would strongly encourage using StreamField for this, rather than extending the rich text editor. The whole purpose of Wagtail is to keep a separation between the information content of pages, and its presentation. A button to say "center this text" is purely presentation - that's a detail that belongs in template code, not in your article content. Instead, you should ask: what is the purpose of this text? Is it a block-quote, a testimonial, an advert? Create block types for that, and then think about how to style them in the template. You'll have much more control over the presentation that way.
(further reading: Rich text fields and faster horses)