I have a Wordpress Plug-in with users requesting a feature that is the view counter.
I know only a few approaches on making a view counter, and the problem is that I want to optimize for performance and memory issues.
I have done a small amount of research and it seems, "mod_log_mysql", may be a great approach, but I do not have any prior knowledge on how this mod works, nor could have any ideas on how to connect it with the Wordpress Plug-in.
Or I could use a database. When the page is viewed, an update or a insert (which is said to be faster than a update) event occurs.
Thus my following option are:
If there is a better approach, I would like to hear them in hoping this will solve my problem.
It really depends on what you want to achieve and how much time you want to spend on it.
If you need more than a simple view counter per page/event, go for a premade one.
If you need something simple, I would go for option #1.
If you're worried about performance, use a memory table for staging the 'counts', and then have a php script move that into a regular table periodically (i.e. using a cronjob). I wouldn't expect updating a view counter in a memory table to have any significant performance impact.
Option #2 could easily fall into premature optimization category.