from one Linux machine, I want to run a command on a remote Linux machine as follows:
ssh remote_user@remote_server remote_command < local_script
Here remote_command is a command to run on the remote machine and local_script is a file on the local machine that contains a string to pass to the remote_command. If I run this at the command line on my local machine, then I can verify that the command has the right effect on the remote machine. However, I need to run this within a Java application using ProcessBuilder as follows:
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("ssh remote_user@remote_server remote_command < local_script");
process = processBuilder.start();
When I do this, I always get the error:
zsh:1: no such file or directory: local_script
I have tried variations such as:
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("ssh", "remote_user@remote_server remote_command < local_script");
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("ssh", "remote_user@remote_server", "remote_command < local_script");
processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("ssh", "remote_user@remote_server", "remote_command", "<", " local_script");
but nothing seems to work. I have verifed that running pwd gives the expected directory and that the local_script can be read (using cat) when run using ProcessBuilder, so I have to assume it's something to do with the way that the ssh command is being handled. Any ideas?
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