How can I run code in the Interactive Console in PyDev and see the created variables in the Variables view?
I am looking for the same functionality available in Spyder. If I am interactively running a script or just testing pieces, I would like o be able to see all the available shell variables and their respective values in the variables view.
I have already checked "Connect console to Debug Session" in Preferences > Pydev > Interactive console.
But when I run, say, a=1, the "Variables" view will be in italic for a moment and nothing appears there.
Following Fabio's advice: I updated Pydev from v5.4 to 5.8. That did it.
Not sure what's happening there.
For me, after checking Connect console to Debug Session
in Preferences > PyDev > Interactive console, I do see created variables in the variables view.
Are you actually using the interactive console (i.e.: started with Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Can you show a screenshot with Eclipse on that situation?
Which PyDev version are you using?