I'm using app-localstorage-document to store data in the browser. The documentation says to override zeroValue
method to define the default value to use when there's no data stored. But I don't know how to override the component's method in Polymer. Here's what I tried but I don't think it's correct because the function is not being invoked.
<app-localstorage-document key="CatValue" data="{{cat}}"></app-localstorage-document>
class MyApp extends Polymer.Element{
static get is(){return 'my-app';}
static get properties(){
type: String,
value: ""
this.set('cat',"a cat");
This might help you:
<app-localstorage-document key="CatValue" data="{{cat}}"></app-localstorage-document>
class MyApp extends Polymer.Element{
static get is(){return 'my-app';}
static get properties(){
type: String,
value: function() {
return this.zeroValue;
//Override the default method
get zeroValue(){
return 'a cat';
If you do not want to override zeroValue(), it will store the value of the key CatValue as undefined.