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how configure timeouts, retries or max-attempts in differents queues with spring rabbitmq

Is it possible to make these settings for each queue? I have queues that are important so i need a larger number of retries, but have less important queues that I do not want to configure retry, attempt, etc

public Queue newQueue(String name) {
    return new Queue(name, durable, exclusive, autoDelete, arguments);

I saw that in the Queue class, it is possible to pass an argument map as the last parameter, but I do not know if it would be here, or via properties.


  • In my case I had to create a listener factory with a retry interceptor, in the retry interceptor I set the value for max attempts.

    Maybe works for you:

    private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
    private SomeService someService;
    @RabbitListener(id = "queueListener", queues = "queueName",
            containerFactory = "listenerContainerFactory")
    public void notifyLegacyListener(SomeObject obj) {
    public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory listenerContainerFactory() {
        SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
        factory.setAdviceChain(new Advice[] {retries()});
        return factory;
    public RetryOperationsInterceptor retries() {
        return RetryInterceptorBuilder.stateless().maxAttempts(Queues.QUEUE_LEGACY.getMaxAttempts())
                        3.0, 10000)
                .recoverer(new RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer()).build();
    public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() {
        return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();